It was Wednesday, October 21, 1914 when my father was born in Los Angeles, California. That was 34,334 days ago. He has seen a lot of changes in our world along the way.
The population of Los Angeles County that year was only 790,000 (today over 10 million people live in LA County).
The first world war was beginning in Europe at the time and it was the first week that the United States Postal Service used an automobile to collect and deliver mail. (amazing what you can learn with a quick Google search).
I always have been grateful to have had great parents. I grew up knowing that I had unconditional love. My dad was always patient with me, even when I was a nutty kid. I admire him and am proud to be his son.
I got to spend the day with him last week (I live 2000 miles away). While he is old, he is still sharp. I hope that I got his genetics, as even at 94 he is still going strong.
Happy Birthday, Dad.
Great picture! That's wonderful that you were able to spend his birthday with him.
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