Today is my dad's 96th birthday.
Here is his video birthday card from my family. While he does not use the internet or have a smart phone .... My brothers will make sure he sees this! I wish I lived closer so I could see him more often.
He has seen a lot of amazing things happen in the world over the last century!
Happy Birthday, Dad. You are a great dad and role model.
Hi Thom-I have just reread your book "The ABCs of Networking" as the cocktail season is upon us. I have read all of your books and read your blog daily. I just wanted to say thank you for caring so much and for sharing your insights with us-I appreciate your energy and integrity-Barb Cotton, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Thanks for your comment. You are right about the "cocktail season" being upon us... and it is a great idea for people to focus on their networking skills!
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