Some days finding motivation to get moving is difficult. Regardless of if your career, there comes the day when you wake and have no desire to do your job.
This becomes very clear when you write a blog. The pressure of having to post regularly can produce times when you are just blank inside. There are days when you just do not have any motivation or desire to write. However, if you let your blog go stale, readers vanish. So you have to post. You have to get your horse out on the track.
Today I had no clue on what to write. My horse was in the stable.
I found myself staring at the computer screen for over an hour. I was searching for a topic that would inspire me to write a post that would be useful for the readers. I must have read two dozen blogs looking for a muse.
Nothing. Nada. Zippo.
In order to move forward you must have momentum and velocity. If you are just sitting still you can not accomplish anything. So I began to write. I abandoned the first two topics as they were flat. I erased all the paragraphs and began fresh. Finding the momentum and velocity happened when I had I began to write something....anything. I was reminded that taking action is important in the world of sales, marketing, business development, PR and networking.
Many professionals spend a lot of valuable time talking about what they want to do to build their careers. They are convinced that they "know" all the answers, and they have meeting after meeting with their co-workers talking about the detail plans of how to grow their business. They justify their lack of motivation. They second guess everyone around them. The finger of blame if pointed outward.
Meanwhile they are glued to their chairs. They do not take action on all of the pontifications that they "know" are the answer.
While I am a big believer in planning, I also know that there comes a time when you must put one foot in front of the other and start moving. Once you are in motion, it is easier to build up speed and begin to excel. Once you have movement in the direction of your desired target (yes, you have to be pointed in the right direction!!!), it is very hard to stop victory.
It is okay to start small and start slow...but you have to start.
Have A Great Day.
Thom Singer
This post reminds me of some advice my CEO, Chris Mercer, received early in his career from a very successful stockbroker. Chris asked him what the secret to his success was (this at a time when the market was tanking yet he was doing very well) and he mentioned two things; the first being "You don't lose clients because they are losing money, you lose clients because you IGNORE them while they are losing money." The second goes to the point of your post: "If you have momentum, do everything you can to keep it. If you don't have momentum, do everything you can to get it."
Thanks for the reminder and the post.
-- Barbara
Thanks for this reminder! Needed to read this today...
Grace and Peace,
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