
Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Cool Things My Friends Do (Week #119) - Scott Webber and Sean Ackerman Simulcast Their Podcasts

Each week on this blog I enjoy highlighting some of the cool things my friends do in their personal and professional lives.

Two of my podcasting friends did something very cool on their shows: They simulcasted an episode of both of their shows as one, yet two, podcasts.  They held a friendly chat about "10 Ways Successful People Lead Themselves" and both released the show on the same day as a new episode.

Sean Ackerman is the host of You Leading You and Scott Webber is the host of Not Bad for Dad.  I know them both through an online community, but met them in-person at the Podcast Movement conference in Dallas earlier this year.  I have had the honor of being a guest on both of their shows, and am learning so much from each of them about podcasting and life.  

The idea of a simulcast episode is great.  I enjoyed hearing the show, but even more I loved the idea of doing a joint session of podcasts.  I am now excited to record an episode of "Cool Things Entrepreneurs Do" with another podcaster.

Congrats to Sean and Scott on this interesting idea that they executed in a spectacular manner.  It is the perfect example of  "Cool Things My Friends Do".  I am happy to have them as week #119 in this ongoing blog series.

Jump over to iTunes and find both their shows and if you enjoy them.... leave a positive review (the 5 stars and written reviews matter to the success of a show). 

Have A Great Day

thom singer

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