
Saturday, November 01, 2014

Cool Things My Friends Do (Week #118) - Brian Tannebaum Releases New Book: The Practice

Each week on this blog I enjoy highlighting some of the cool things my friends do in their personal and professional lives.

My friend, Brian Tannebaum, has just released his book, The Practice: Brutal Truths About Lawyers and Lawyering.  

Congratulations to Brian.  It is very cool to launch a book, and I am thrilled to have him as week #118 of Cool Things My Friends Do.  (I think I need to interview him for the Cool Things Entrepreneurs Do Podcast,.... as he is clearly one of the most entrepreneurial lawyers I have ever met).

I met Brian via social media.  He lives in Florida, and has a great national reputation in the legal circles. In the early days of my blog and Twitter I would have conversations with him about the topic of "legal marketing".  Brian is a lawyer who "gets it" when it comes to what attorneys must do to promote their practices, and he does not like the bull-shit advice that is out there on the subject.  Over the years we got to know each other, and last year we had a wonderful dinner while I was in Miami to give a speech.

As its title suggests, The Practice delivers brutal truths about lawyers and lawyering in Tannebaum’s slightly snarky—but always honest—signature style. His opinions are provocative and provide plenty of food for thought, and maybe a laugh or two along the way. This compelling book is an assortment of posts from 'Above the Law' and 'My Law License', two of the most acclaimed law blogs for which Brian has written.

In The Practice, Tannebaum riffs on everything from asking yourself what type of lawyer you want to be, to the most effective way to network and market yourself in an industry where lawyers increasingly over-rely on social media to prove their relevance. It also discusses other important topics, including the proper way to handle referrals, rainmaking, reinventing yourself as a lawyer, personal branding, and much more.

Check out Brian's book in the ABA Bookstore.  And if you ever get to meet Brian... he knows good wine!!!

Have A Great Day

thom singer

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