
Thursday, June 05, 2014

Cool Things My Friends Do (Week #108): Jessica Pettitt's TEDx Talk - The Day Everything Changed

Each week on this blog I enjoy highlighting some of the cool things my friends do in their personal and professional lives.

Jessica Pettitt has been featured before in "Cool Things My Friends Do".  It is always interesting how those who do one cool thing seem to repeat the process of pushing the envelope again  and again.

Jess is a professional speaker who I met through our active involvement in the National Speakers Association.  She has become a special friend and confidant.  She is the type of buddy we all should have, as she is always there to support the people in her life in good times and bad.

Recently Jessica had the opportunity to deliver a TEDx Talk. (Interestingly, the first ever "Cool Things My Friends Do" post was about another friend's TEDx Talk).  I would enjoy the chance to someday speak at a TEDx event, and if I ever have that honor, I hope I can ROCK THE STAGE like Jess did at "TEDx - The Evergreen State College".

Check out the video below.  If you like her message, share it with a friend.

(If you can not see the embedded video, here is the link:

Have A Great Day

thom singer

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