
Monday, June 09, 2014

The Certified Speaking Professional - Thom Singer, CSP

I am proud to have been awarded the National Speakers Association's professional certification, the CSP.  I will officially receive the certification at the 2014 NSA Annual Convention in San Diego.  

What is the CSP?

The Certified Speaking Professional (the CSP) was established in 1980 and is the speaking profession’s international measure of professional platform competence. Conferred by the National Speakers Association, it is designed to honor speakers who are recognized for their commitment to the profession. 

Meeting professionals know that those awarded this designation have top-notch speaking ability and a track record of professionalism and success. Only about 10 percent of speakers have earn this credential.

The CSP designation is earned through demonstrating competence in professional standards:

  • Platform skills
  • Business management
  • Education
  • Association
Special Thanks

This designation is NOT just mine, but instead it is shared by the people who have been instrumental in my speaking career:
  • My wife and daughters, who have supported the crazy travel schedule and made many sacrifices that go with starting a solopreneur business.  They have always been right there with me as we have worked to create the business, and they are the purpose of why I work so hard and never waiver from the commitment.
  • Our New Year Publishing business partners, Dave and Leslie Morris, who always believed I could make it as a professional speaker and found ways to help me get the business launched. 
  • My parents (now both passed on) and my three older brothers all get special thanks.... as I talked a lot as a kid.  Yes, A LOT.  They put up with all my stories, anecdotes and tall tales.  Who knew I could turn that into a career? 
  • The over 300 clients, meeting professionals, and others who selected me to serve their audiences over the years.  Without the chance to speak to these amazing audiences, there would be no success in the industry.  
  • The countless friends who offered support, ideas, referrals and the occasional kick in the pants.  All opportunities come from people, and I am fortunate to have some really cool people in my life who challenge me to be a better human.
  • And finally... special thanks to the other members in the National Speakers Association, many of whom have become my friends, mentors, and guides through this crazy business we all love.  So many have shown me the different paths to a career in speaking, I will never be able to repay the generosity of spirit I found in NSA.
It is an honor to be part of the class of 2014.  This year's group of CSP's will be the largest ever.  I am in great company with some people who are legends in the business.  I cannot wait to stand on stage with all of them to receive our medals.  

Have A Great Day

thom singer


  1. Congratulations - I can't wait to cheer for you in San Diego when you receive your reward. It has been great to watch your speaking journey and see you serve your clients and grow your practice.
