
Monday, June 16, 2014

Cool Things My Friends Do (week #109) - Clint Greenleaf: "Give, Save, Spend with the Three Little Pigs"

My friend Clint Greenleaf is a great entrepreneur with a passion to help others.  In all the years I have known him he consistently has provided me with great advice and a "think bigger" mindset that has encouraged me throughout the journey of my speaking career. 

In addition to being the founder of the highly successful Greenleaf Book Group, Clint also excels in all the roles he plays in life: entrepreneur, speaker, mentor, husband, father, friend, Marine, author, TV pundit, advisor, etc...

Clint recently released a children's book "Give, Save, Spend with the Three Little Pigs".  The book is designed to teach kids what schools do not teach... Basic Finance.   

With the Big Bad Wolf blowing down houses, the Three Little Pigs start a company to build strong homes of brick.  With demand high and sales booming, the Pigs need to figure out what to do with their profits.  One little Pig wants to spend away, another wants to give it away, and the third wants to save it. Based on the give-save-spend-concept, this sequel to the classic fairy tale teaches kids a safe and practical approach to managing money.

This book fits right into my weekly "Cool Things My Friends Do" series (week #109)... as it is very cool.  It is the perfect gift for anyone raising kids and trying to teach them about money.  

Have A Great Day

thom singer

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