
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The ABC's of Legal Marketing - X is for eXpert

When you are known as an expert in your area of practice, you will attract more clients.  When hiring a lawyer people are more confident when your reputation for success is well known.  This is about both "doing good work" and the cultivation of your a reputation and a brand in your business community.  

To become an expert in your legal skills involves considerable effort and you must always be keeping up with the changes that are happening in your field.  The same is true in promoting your expertise.  If you are not working on this, then nobody will know you exist, and you will be passed over for the business. 

Marketing and branding have to be a priority that stands along side your legal knowledge.  If you do not care about your visibility, you will leave future income on the table.  In addition to your successful record of serving your clients, you must intentionally let people know about the work you do so well.  This involves a variety of integrated activities that we have discussed in "The ABC's of Legal Marketing".  If you have read this far (to the letter "X") you have found several ideas that can get you started, but success will not happen overnight.  

Take a close look at the lawyers you admire as "experts" across practice areas.  Beyond the obvious, seek to find the behind the scenes activities they and their firm are engaged to promote themselves. While you cannot always uncover all their efforts, you will discover that it is rare for top reputations to be built by accident. 

Writing, speaking, educating, social media, interviews, networking, advertising, pro-bono service, client alerts, mailings, etc... are all needed to ensure that your excellent legal skills are understood by your clients, prospects, referral sources, and others in your community.  Do not assume people will think of you when you are hiding in your office.

Confidence, not cockiness, is what makes an expert shine.  Never be embarrassed about being an expert.  Some attorneys with amazing skills feel weird about talking about telling their story.  While you do not want to be seen as a bragger, if you are not promoting yourself, remember that nobody else will do it.  You are the product and service that you provide to your clients, and if you are ashamed to admit that you are amazing at what you do, why should anyone select you to represent them?

Have A Great Day

thom singer

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