
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Cool Things My Friends Do (Week #99) - Michael O'Neal's Solopreneur Hour Podcast Tops 100,000 Downloads in a Month

Each week on this blog I enjoy highlighting some of the cool things my friends do in their personal and professional lives.

It was only four weeks ago that I highlighted Michael O'Neal and the Solopreneur Hour Podcast here on Cool Things My Friends Do.

While I have mentioned people more than once over the past two years (this is week #99), repeats do not usually happen so quickly.  However, this is cool...... Michael's podcast hit a major milestone this week (in the world of podcasts):  The Solopreneur Hour received over 100,000 downloads in the month of March (and the month is not over).

That is cool.

I do not know much about podcasting, but I do listen to several shows, including The Solopreneur Hour.  I know from many of the things I do in my own business that finding an audience is difficult.  I get excited if 1000 people read a blog post.  100,000 people doing anything is a huge accomplishment, and Michael only launched this podcast in August 2013.

If you work for yourself, want to work for yourself, or if you are interested in podcasting you should spend some time listening to this great show.  Once a listener you will be hooked.  You will discover that Michael has a lot of knowledge.  He and his weekly guests (that the calls "co-hosts") discuss a plethora of topics relevant for solopreneurs.  They are a bit hyper focused on podcasters.... as that is Michael's world.  (Much like I talk write about professional speakers often, as those are the people I hang out with!)

Congratulations to Michael O'Neal and The Solopreneur Hour on this milestone.  Now, he needs to get to a million downloads a month!!!   

****FYI, this is week #99 of "Cool Things My Friend Do".  It has been a very cool adventure highlighting others, and has changed me for the better.  What cool things do your friends do?  Tell the world.

Have A Great Day

thom singer


  1. Thank you Thom! What an amazing ride it's been! Thank you for being part of it.

  2. Thanks Thom! What a great ride it's been! Thanks for being part of it.
