
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Cool Things My Friends Do (week #98) - Jax and K8 Take On The World

Each week on this blog I enjoy highlighting some of the cool things my friends do in their personal and professional lives.

This week's Cool Things My Friends Do blog post highlights both my kids.  Each of them had a very cool experience on Friday that is worthy of the week #98 spot of "Cool Things":

Jax and the LBJ High School Tennis Team took 2nd Place in the Del Valle Tennis Tournament.  She and her mixed doubles partner played well and came in 3rd overall and got trophies.  She loves playing tennis and is very dedicated to being part of her school's team.  I am always impressed with her enthusiasm for the sport as I was never much of an athlete.

K8 had the chance to attend the LeAnne Rimes concert with a friend and even got to meet Ms. Rimes.  They were so excited I heard they did not go to sleep until nearly 2:00 AM as they recounted the great experience.  (I especially love the photo with the random lady trying to get a selfie with LeAnn while she poses with the kids).

I am pretty sure my children are having better childhood experiences than I had growing up (and my early days were really good).  I hope they realize the cool things they are doing and appreciate their journeys.  It is fun to watch them both go out and explore the world.

Have A Great Day

thom singer

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