Monday, October 15, 2018

The Journey was the Power of my TEDx Talk

As I mentioned in the two earlier posts (here and here) about my TEDx presentation, this was something I wanted to do for years. I had applied to many TEDx programs in cities near and far, and when the opportunity came I was excited. Setting a goal was key, and failures or rejections along the way were by never the end of my journey.

I am a believer in goal setting and working toward achieving that which makes you push yourself. My TEDx experience was a milestone event and involved intensive preparation. It was more than just a speech to me, it was my way to share an important story and key part of my own growth (with the hope it would help others).

But once a long sought target is reached there can be mixed emotions that come along after completion. The TEDx Talk itself was a positive experience, and the waiting six month for the video was frustrating. However, once it was posted and shared with the world I had combined feelings of joy and disappointment.

I had joy because I believe the message was good and people like responded well to the talk (you can go watch it here -  And disappointment because I has spent so much time in pursuit of this goal, that once it was over, there was a question of "what's next?". Few people are invited to deliver multiple TEDx Talks, and I do not have the type of fame that is usually involved in being invited to the main TED stage.  This is my one time at doing a TEDx Talk, and I am proud of it (go watch it and share your impressions with me).

Alas, this is another example of the journey itself being the reward.  While I am thrilled with the end product (well, they messed up the audio a little, but it us okay), there is more to it than what you see on the video. There is what I learned along the way, and also the hope that the message will inspire someone in ways I will never know.

Have A Great Day.

thom singer

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