Monday, May 15, 2017

7 Tips to Reach Your Super Potential

The new keynote presentation that I have developed, The Paradox of Potential, is getting positive responses from audiences and cultivating more conversation than predicted.  After my speeches people are lining up to discuss how they view their inner potential and what is actually happening in their career.

The concept of this talk (and eventual book) is based on the feedback from hundreds of people I have surveyed who admit to not believing they are reaching their career potential (about 70% feel they are coming up short of their ability).  There is a noticeable gap between potential and results, and much of happens because of the small things that people are overlooking.  Rarely is it some giant problem looming in their past.

The same shortfalls are true of corporate teams and non-profit organizations.  While most who are engaged in these groups feel they have "Super Potential" in what they could be accomplishing, the lower than expected results are weighing heavy.  

Getting the results that you desire will not happen by accident. You and your team must be clear about what you are trying to accomplish and have a true understanding of your motivation.  Going through the motions without direction should not be the norm, yet too many feel they are unclear about what they are actually working toward. Additionally you need to surround yourself with people who will help promote you and your cause. Your network matters!

Here are seven tips to help you reach your super potential:

1. Set clear career goals
2. Try new things / Take risks
3. Believe in your capabilities
4. Show gratitude to those who help you
5. Ask for help / delegate
6. Work past the fear
7. Connect with people

This does not have to be rocket science.  Like most things in life, steering toward success is not nearly as complicated as we try to make it. Take the necessary steps daily in good times and bad.  Keep doing the right things and over time you will be among those that others look to as the example.  There are no shortcuts and there is no way to outsource your success.

Have A Great Day.

thom singer


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