
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Cool Things My Friends Do - Matt Church Awarded Australia's Keynote Speaker of the Year

Each week on this blog I enjoy highlighting some of the cool things my friends do in their personal and professional lives.

The National Speakers Association of Australia awarded their prestigious "Keynote Speaker of the Year (2014) Award" to my friend Matt Church at their 24th annual convention in Melbourne.

I met Matt three years ago at the NSA Winter "Un-Conference" in Atlanta where he was one of the featured speakers.  He was both on the "main-stage" and he hosted a day-long workshop.  Both of these presentations were among the most impactful learning experiences I have ever experienced in my career as a professional speaker.  I have tried to implement much of what he taught, and it has helped me grow my business.

I got to hang out with Matt, and a group of his Aussie colleagues, at the conference (we drank Argentinian Malbec all night)--- and he was one of the most genuine people I have known in the speaking industry.  We have kept in touch (via Facebook) and I was thrilled to see online that Matt was honored with this major award.... as he deserves it!

Matt Church is one of Australia’s top motivation speakers and is known around the world for being generous with his knowledge.  In 2001 he founded an international education business, Thought Leaders Global, dedicated to helping clever people be commercially smart and earn more money in their speaking and consulting careers.

I am pleased to add Matt to the growing list of "Cool Things My Friends Do" (this is the 93rd post in the ongoing series).

Have A Great Day

thom singer

1 comment:

  1. Thom this is a great blog and that conference was one of my most fave ever. I remember Matt opening that first night and then the whole day of Thought Leadership programming (it was the hottest ticket that weekend). Hanging in the bar was super fun - he so deserves this award and it's great to see people recognized for their brilliance. Congrats on another great blog post.
