
Friday, December 13, 2013

My Dad

In place of my weekly "Cool Things My Friends Do" post .... today this spot on my blog is dedicated to the memory of my father.  He was cool.  He passed away this week at the age of 99-years-old. 

The above photo is my favorite picture of he and I together. It was taken about seven years ago when  I was visiting him in California. I have many great memories thoughout my life of the times we spent together.

Dad lived a long and happy life.  The 100 years that he witnessed were about the most interesting times in human history.  He raised four sons, and got to see all the of his grandchildren.  I cannot ever remember a time when he was not enjoying the journey.

One of my brothers put it best when he said "what more could one want at the end of their life than to have all their kids not just love them, but like them".
He was one of the good ones.

Have A Great Day

thom singer

1 comment:

  1. Thom - I'm sorry to hear about your loss. From reading your blog and seeing you speak at NTA, I know he meant a LOT to you and was an inspiration. God bless.
