
Friday, October 04, 2013

Cool Things My Friends Do: Grant's Marketplace in San Diego Celebrates 11 Years In Business

Each Friday on this blog I enjoy highlighting some of the cool things my friends do in their personal and professional lives.

My friends Joe and Kim Grant are the owners of Grant's Marketplace in San Diego and this week they celebrate eleven years serving the South Park neighborhood in America's Finest City.

Joe was a school teacher who got bitten by the bug to be an entrepreneur.  One day he noticed a run down neighborhood convenience store on the corner of Beech and Date Streets (just a block from his home) was for sale, and he jumped at the chance to transform this little corner market into a gathering place for his neighbors.  

Over the decade this place has grown into a dynamic gathering place for locals.  Serving delicious coffee and breakfast selections in the morning and a deli counter with a variety of delicious offerings for lunch and dinner make this a place for everyone.  Need milk, wine, cheese,etc....???  Grant's is the place to go in South Park (and beyond).

Congratulations to Joe for taking his vision and creating a successful business.  If you are ever in the area, I suggest you stop by and see what a local entrepreneur can do when he is inspired to serve his neighborhood. 

Long before I created this weekly "Cool Things My Friends Do" blog post, I wrote about Joe on this blog in August 2005 (the first year of my blogging adventure).  I knew it then, and it has been proven over the years,.... Joe, Kim and their market are cool (Kim is also one of the area's top architects and should be written up here in her own "Cool Things" post, too!) 

Congratulations on eleven years in business!!!

Have A Great Day

thom singer

(Photo of Joe and Kim from "Save Our Heritage Organization" website from an article about the market from 2004.  I hope they are cool with me using this photo!!!)

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