
Friday, November 02, 2012

Cool Things My Friends Do - Craig Price: Conference Recaps

Each Friday on this blog I enjoy highlighting some of the cool things my friends do in their work and personal lives. 

My friend Craig Price is a speaker who has launched a new product offering of "Conference Recaps" for business and association events.  

Many conventions have a plethora of breakout options, and that leaves attendees with a dilemma... they have to choose where to be, but often never know what they missed.  What if there was a way to increase your attendees Return on Attendance? A way they can get important action items from all the presentations, even the ones they couldn't attend? What if it was fun and engaging to boot!?

Craig Price delivers entertaining and informative event-recaps that gives everyone at an event the ability to bring home vital information….even from sessions they did not attend.

Craig will:

Interview all of your speakers and presenters before the event, gleaning important information about each topic.

Get to the heart of the presentation by looking for the information your attendees can implement immediately

Attend all the sessions to get the up to the minute information and interact with attendees for “real-time” results

Deliver a completely customized presentation for your event the way only Craig can…with humor and energy

Create helpful follow-up materials to ensure your attendees keep learning long after your event is over

With so many options to choose from, attendees can network and go to any session they want knowing they can still get value from any sessions they miss. More importantly they look forward to coming to the next event convinced of the value they have received at YOUR event.

In a world where meeting organizers are seeking something new and different.... Craig Price might just be an option to provide a unique Conference Attendee Experience!

Have A Great Day

thom singer

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