
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I Am Too Young To Have A Brother Who Is 60-Years-Old

Happy Birthday to my oldest brother.  He is not just my brother, but also my Godfather.  And in many ways a role model.  When I was two-years-old I called him Chee-Bee (I guess I could not say "Steve").  He once dressed up like Santa Claus so I could see the magic of Christmas "live" in the middle of the night in our family living room (yes, my folks let me peek, but not get too close).  I still have the letters he wrote me while I was in elementary school and he was traveling the world for fun, study, and work.

Rumor is he reads my blog.... although he does not mention that to me very often (such an older brother!).  I figure that this post is better than any old paper card --- there was not going to be a gift anyway!  (such a younger brother!).

I hear 60 is the new 40.  If that is true than I am only 26.... and that sounds good to me.

Have A Happy Birthday!!!


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