Monday, January 19, 2009

Austin Social Media Awards

The First Annual Austin Social Media Awards nominees have been announced by the Austin American Statesman.

Several of my friends have been nominated (I list them below with links to their blogs / websites).

If you live in Central Texas (or beyond) and are still confused by social media, this is a comprehensive list of people you could reach out to and better understand the medium.

You can click on the above hyper-links to see the whole list, but below is a list of folks I know well whom are nominees. I know some of the others by name, just not on a personal basis. Yes, there is a difference between following someone on Twitter and actually being their friend!!! I still believe that people claim "friendship" too fast in the social media world. A connection on Facebook is NOT an equal relationship to my my connection with my kid's godparents!!!.

Aruni Gunasegaram

Benn and Lani Rosales

Bryan Menell

Bryan Person

Connie Reece

Dave Evans

Dean Cruise

Dewey Gaedcke

Eugene Sepulveda

John Erik Metcalf

Liz Handlin

Michelle Greer

Mike Chapman

Ricardo Guerrero

Sam Decker

Scott Ingram

Congratulations to all the nominees and especially to my friends who made the list.

Have A Great Day.



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention, Thom. One of the things I love most about Twitter, Facebook and social networks is using them as tools to facilitate face-to-face meetings. (Viva la tweet-up!)

A Facebook friend is just a photo on an electronic page until you have the opportunity to shake their hand in person.

Aruni said...

Thanks for the mention. I love that my name starts with an "A" :-)

Thanks also for nominating me. See you soon!