
Friday, January 23, 2015

Cool Things My Friends Do (Week #123) - Ctri+Alt+Believe: Holly Duckworth Releases New Book!!!

Each week on this blog I enjoy highlighting some of the cool things my friends do in their personal and professional lives.

Congratulations to my friend Holly Duckworth on the release of her new book "Ctrl+Alt+Believe: Reboot Your Association for Success".  I have known Holly for several years through the National Speakers Association, and she has worked hard to complete this important book for the world of professional associations.

These day associations face many challenges.  With all the changes in learning, technology, networking, communications, etc... this book helps moves leaders of these important organizations through a process of attaining clarity:

  • Evaluate what is controlling and holding back your association
  • Expand your ability to embrace and implement alternative solutions
  • Use the power of individual and collective belief to believe in a new day for you organization
  • Attract and inspire the right staff and volunteers from the heart
  • Envision success - live from that place now
  • Affirm success in your association and allow it to be
Holly has years of experience in the association industry and holds both her CAE and CMP certifications.  She has taken her life experiences and created this great book as a tool to serve others in the industry.

I spend a lot of time working with association executives, and know first hand that these are some of the most creative and hard-working people on earth.  As the business climate changes, the ways professionals gather information and engage socially are morphing in unknown directions.  However, trade and industry associations are still remaining relevant.  The most entrepreneurial and forward thinking groups are thriving. It is fun to work with these clients and see who they are overcoming challenges and preparing for the future.

It is fun to see my friends do cool things like write a book, and I am proud to feature Holly as week #123 in "Cool Things My Friends Do".

Have A Great Day

thom singer

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