
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Enthusiasm 2015

In recapping 2014 the word "Fortunate" kept showing up.  I am fortunate, and 2014 was proof of that reality.  

As I prepare for 2015 I was seeking words that could be part of my theme for the new year.  For several years (not 2014) I created a list of three words that encompassed my goals for the year. Having this list of words would keep me tuned into what is important.

This time I only have one word that keeps rising to the top, and it alone captures a key component to all the goals I am setting in my personal and professional life.  It has the feeling that engulfs how I want to behave in 2015.  This word is...


A client recently told me that I "bring enthusiasm" to a conference when I am the keynote speaker.  I enjoyed this compliment, and I think that is what I want to do as a speaker, trainer and Master of Ceremonies each time I deliver a presentation.

I want to be enthusiastic about everything I commit to over the next 12 months.  If I cannot be enthusiastic, then I do not want to make the commitment.  I want my clients and their audiences to feel an electric charge of motivation to "do more" after participating in one of my seminars.  I want my family and friends to feel the passion I have for the activities we share.

Experience has shown me that I can be held back from being 100% committed.  If distracted my enthusiasm can dwindle.  This happens when self-doubt, fear, laziness or the unknown take hold of my consciousness. I am a human, and we are easily detoured from our best efforts by a wandering mind.  In 2015 there is going to be a new focus on letting my enthusiasm run out ahead of me.  I am fortunate (and I know it), so why not celebrate that and be positively engaged in all actions.  It is time to think bigger.

In spending time with successful entrepreneurs I see the pattern that those who are achieving the most success are also the people who are genuinely enthusiastic about their chosen path.  They bury the distractions and plow forward toward success with glee.

Part of this means getting away from those who are negative and suck the energy out of the room.  Too many people are naysayers, and they kill dreams.  The critics are everywhere these days, and they are happy to undermine goals of others, while living lives without goals of their own.  Too many people pretend to be supportive while secretly undermining others or stirring up trouble, doubt, and ill-will.  These people are out in 2015.  I am going to work to surround myself with friends who are "do-ers" and that have ambition to succeed and help others succeed.  Drama is so 2014. 

My thought is that those who are the most influential are the ones that find ways to let their enthusiasm flow out to the world. I happily follow those who have passion and are not afraid to show it. These people are givers and do not think life is a zero sum game.  These are the people who enthusiastically refer other people, and I plan to do this more than ever (and with great enthusiasm) in the new year.  

To accomplish this theme of "Enthusiasm" I need help from others who embrace the idea of living life at a higher speed.  Finding new friends is difficult as you get older.  Responsibility, geography, generation, and the "What's in it for me attitude".. all put up walls that limit the birth of new friendships.  But in our digital world there are also ways to tear down barriers and construct connections with the right people who want to expand the success of everyone they encounter.  

I believe enthusiasm is like a magnet that draw people together.  This is my power-source in 2015, and I hope someone reads this post who feels a kinship to my quest.  Let's do this together.

Have A Great Day

thom singer

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