
Monday, September 22, 2014

Cool Things My Friends Do (Week #116)- Kelby Carr and the Type-A Parent Conference

In this post I am blogging about bloggers!

Each week on this blog I enjoy highlighting some of the cool things my friends do in their personal and professional lives.

I recently had the opportunity to be a keynote speakers at an event hosted by my friend Kelby Carr.  I met Kelby at a conference in 2013 in Washington DC.  We kept in touch, and through a series of connections she selected me to be one of the presenters at the 6th Annual "Type A Parent Conference".  (I spoke on "The Power of IRL"...AKA: In Real Life).

The Type A website was established in 2007 and combined with the yearly conference Kelby and her team have created the first online community for mom and dad bloggers.  This is a place for influencers  and super-influencers to come together to learn, share ideas, and network.  

It was an honor to be part of the 6th annual conference in Atlanta.  The event attracts major corporations and hundreds of parents who blog on a variety of topics.  The community is awesome.  Those present were engaged and engaging.  

Many people try to start conferences, but Kelby had done something special with this event.  Not only has it sold out year over year, and continues to grow.... but she has a circle of people who are there to support her efforts at every turn.  It was exciting to share in the experience.

If you blog about parenting (or pets... I met several parents of four-legged kids), you need to sign up early for the 7th Annual event in 2015.

Have A Great Day.



  1. Thank you so much for a really enjoyable and worthwhile keynote. A lot of great info as well as entertainment!

  2. Heidi- Thanks for the comment. I had a lot of fun at this event. So nice to meet all these cool people.

  3. This is one of the ideas I loved from your keynote and I plan on implementing it myself on my blog. Great that you featured Kelby!
