
Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Tech Industry Leaders Write Handwritten Notes... Do You?

Walking around downtown Palo Alto we stumbled upon a paper and stationery store called Letter Perfect.  This long standing independent shop has been around for over 30 years, and you can see why... it is great.

Since I proclaimed 2014 as "The Year of the Handwritten Note", I have taken a special interest in great cards, pens, etc...  While many turn up their nose at the idea of writing cards and letters, there is clearly still an interest in this important form of communication.

While browsing the amazing selection of cards and gifts I met the owner of the establishment, Gwen Gasque.  We had a delightful conversation about the power of a handwritten note.  While she did not name-drop, she assured me that some of the Silicon Valley's most successful people actively write notes by hand and order unique and interesting stationery on a regular basis.  They also encourage their employees to do the same thing.  

Interesting -- In the heart of where much of the world's technology is born, those at the top realize the power of pen and ink.

Many make excuses to avoid sending notes.  They rationalize being "busy" means they need not ever put in the effort involved to write by hand.  Others believe that a Tweet or text is more effective (it is not) in communicating their feelings. However, Gwen assured me that CEO's and top Venture Capitalists all send handwritten notes regularly.  

Makes me wonder... Do these people write by hand because they are successful?  OR are they on top because they know the value in sending notes to people?  I think it is the latter.

If you are in Northern California... go to Letter Perfect and get some personalized stationery.  If you are not, find another option to get some note cards and them put them to use.  2014 still has 3 1/2 months to go... it is not too late to embrace "The Year of the Handwritten Note".

Have A Great Day

thom singer

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