
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

"Cool Things Entrepreneurs Do" - The World's Newest Business Podcast

Announcing My New Podcast - "Cool Things Entrepreneurs Do"

It has been a year in planning, but this week I am launching my new podcast.  Today (September 30th) is National Podcast Day, and my goal was to release the first shows today.  Alas, it takes longer to get these things set up than I had imagined, but we are days away from this being real.

 I am very excited to have this platform to interview some cool business leaders, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and others with a strong dose of the entrepreneurial spirit.

In the next few days the podcast will hit my website, iTunes, Stitcher, and other places that host podcasts.  Please take a few minutes to listen to the early episodes.  I interview some cool people including Bryan Menell, Mike Dilbeck and Jessica Pettitt.

This podcast grew out of the "Cool Things My Friends Do" blog posts.  My friend James Hahn suggested I turn these posts into a podcast, and he got me thinking.  Once I start thinking... something is bound to happen.

I realize I have to get some things figured out to make this show a regular success. My goal is two interviews per week, but more important is I have to fine tune the details on the recording quality, etc...  I also need to find my voice as a host.... but this has been a ton of fun and I know it will just get better with each episode.

Thanks for your support.

Have A Great Day

thom singer

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on launching your new podcast, Thom. I always enjoy your content - and I'll be tuning in!
