
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Got Mojo? - Dawnna St. Louis Guest Blog

Dawnna St. Louis is an expert in Mojo.  She knows has a way with explaining what business people need to succeed and has a unique understanding of harnessing Mojo.  

Dawnna has developed a system based on the science of confidence, the psychology of influence, and blended it with your personal business experience.  If you have ever wondered why some people can increase sales through networking, why some teams have a competitive advantage, or why some leaders can motivate masses to follow a vision.... the Mojo system outlines your personal competitive advantage.

Her guest blog about how Apple got it's Mojo right walks is below. Check our more of her writing at the Get Mojo Blog.

Executives usually don’t suffer from a lack of confidence or influence. In fact they usually have both in aces and spades, but sometimes they will admit to suffering from some misplaced Mojo.
Misplaced Mojo can cause even the greatest executives look as if they are doing a poor job. Tim Cook ran into some serious Mojo misplacement issues over the past two years; and who can blame him. There are seven different Mojo Superpowers: SuperStar, Thought Leader, Magnate, Champion, Authority, Networker, and Secret Agent; so figuring out how to wield your superpower can be tricky at best.
As it turns out, Cook’s Mojo Superpower is Authority which means that he has deep passionate knowledge in a specific area and knows how to execute it like a Jedi master. Regardless of who you ask about the “running” of Apple they will all agree that Cook does an amazing job of visioning, strategizing, and leading Apple into the future – basically the things that a great CEO of a major organization should have on their resume.
Where things get a little wonky is when Cook tried on the Steve Jobs superhero outfit. He tried everything from being on the same platform with Jobs to wearing matching outfits to imitating Jobs’ Mojo style. Well, it didn’t work and it was ugly. It was like he was dancing to the syllables of a song with two left feet while singing off key with a swollen tongue. Everything everywhere just looked and sounded wrong.
Some people blame Cook’s failure on the Jobs’ specter haunting every presentation by setting a bar so high that only a champion could reach it. And in a way… the people were right.
Steve Jobs had Champion Mojo. Champions are pulpit masters that have a quasi-religious hold on their followers; followers who gladly dig deeper, pay more, and bring more followers into the flock.
So what is Cook to do? After all, you can’t just wake up one morning and be podium prowling pontificator with major pull; either you are born with that kind of Mojo or you are not.
The answer is simple. Just like Jobs’ needed a side-kick with Authority Mojo, which he found in Cook; Cook’s needs a side-kick with some Champion Mojo. And that is where Craig Federighi comes in.
The man might as well don a cape because he has some real Champion Mojo.
Champions, like Federighi and Jobs, believe in a product so deeply that they can create an emotional connection between their followers and their belief. At WWDC on June 3rd, Craig showed everyone exactly what his Mojo was made of. We watched brilliance unfold as he made off-the-cuff jokes, sly remarks, and let his belief in Apple’s newest and shiniest innovation be known; a belief that his followers will soon believe, too. He was transparent, authentic, passionate and exactly what Cook needed to create magic for Apple.
Cook’s brilliant move to fill in the Mojo gap on his team really paid off. Suddenly the internet world went ablaze asking the question – “Is this the next Steve Jobs?” While Federighi is not the next Steve Jobs, he doesn’t need to be. He knows how to wield his Mojo Superpower to bring followers into the flock and punch up profits.
Like most Mojo Champions, Federighi believes in this new brand of Apple Kool-Aid and his followers will be looking to take a hearty sip.

Dawnna St Louis is the world’s expert on Mojo: Your Unique Power to Magnetize, Captivate, and Influence. She works with leaders and their organizations to help individuals and teams tap into their perfect brand of Mojo to conquer challenges with confidence, build strong team alliances, and excel in business as an iconic leader.
What can Mojo do for you? Everything.

Have A Great Day

thom singer

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