
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Who Is Challenging You?

Who is challenging you to be the best you can be?  I like to be positively challenged, but find there are few people in the world willing to nudge others to improve.  Some many feel it is not their place, while others are frightened to offend.  It is often that people simply don't care much about what you do.  It takes a soul very secure in their own place to be good at challenging others.

Oh, wait... I don't mean the jerks who will doubt your efforts or point out your flaws.  It is easy to find those who will gladly argue or call you out for being "wrong" (regardless of the facts).  Those who bring drama into our lives are not really looking out for our best interests.  

Few seem to have regular contact with those that are willing to push and pull them forward.  The positive mentors that are unconditionally in our corner who have the ability to guide us around the pitfalls are rare.  I am fortunate to have these types of people (both friends, family and business associates), and I desire their inspiration, fresh ideas, and new points of view.  

Being clear that you are seeking improvement will draw some great people into your life.  The ones that will help you grow the most are also looking for people to assist them along their path.  Do not assume you will find someone who will give to you without you also being a giver.  Purposefully look for meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships.  

Working to improve will also turn some off.  Not everyone understands or respects your journey.  Nor do they want to invest in you.  That is okay.  You cannot make someone be your friend.  Let it go and move your focus to those who care about the whole you. 

All opportunities come from people.  Being engaged with those who challenge you to become more and to reach your potential makes life better and more fun. 

Are you feeling challenged?

Have A Great Day

thom singer 

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