
Thursday, June 19, 2014

The ABC's of Legal Marketing - Y is for Yes

Most law schools do not teach the importance of marketing, and by skipping this topic they are launching young attorneys into the workplace without all the tools they need to succeed.  Being able to promote and sell your services is a key factor in establishing long-term success in your career.  There are many unknowns and the pressure to succeed can be overwhelming, but not taking action will limit your future.

If you have a yearning to grow an amazing practice, and will not be satisfied with the mediocre, you will need to take ownership of your branding. If you work for a large firm you can hope that other lawyers will provide you with work, but that means you have no control over your future.  You will always have to rely on the marketing efforts of others to ensure you keep you job.  If you work in a small firm, then you have to take an active role in marketing or you will go hungry.  When you view yourself as a good lawyer, watching others cultivate larger books of business will leave you envious of their careers.  The longer you wait on this, the harder it will be to achieve results..

If you have this desire to build your practice then get ready to say "yes" to marketing. This means you embrace the importance of business development activities and make them a priority in your daily routine. 

Marketing is not magic and does not guarantee success. Some people will fail and have to try again and again to establish their reputation. There will be those who will get discouraged and go hide behind their office door and wish that there were other ways to earn a living.  Others may succeed still not be satisfied with the practice of law, however those who have marketed well will have many other business opportunities to go in-house or pursue other non-legal careers if they are well known in their community.  No matter where you career goes, you have to try harder and take chances. Wayne Gretzky said "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take".

A great way to get yourself comfortable with marketing is to surround yourself with other attorneys that are aggressive in managing the growth of their career.  Spend time getting to know others both professionally and socially while observing how they go about raising their visibility will show you the variety of paths to success.  There is no one right answer, but if you are not knowledgeable about what it takes to treat a legal practice as a business, then you will be blindsided by many unknowns.

Contemplate your marketing options, and then take action.  If you know you want a stronger career, just say "Yes".

Have A Great Day

thom singer

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