
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The ABC's of Legal Marketing - W is for Wisdom

The World English Dictionary defines "Wisdom" as:
wisdom (ˈwɪzdəm)
— n
1. the ability or result of an ability to think and act utilizing knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight.
This obviously is key to anyone in the practice of law.  But when it comes to marketing, too many lawyers skip over the necessary study and knowledge of this topic.  Somehow "marketing" has a bad reputation and some hope that just being a "good lawyer" will bring them a lifetime of clients.  But I argue that the wise lawyer understands that being "good" also means managing all the business aspects of their practice.

Every successful businessman has a keen focus on sales and marketing.  Without customers / clients the company will fail.  The same is true for lawyers.  The more you can you learn, experience and understand the strategies and tactics for growing your reputation and brand can be the difference between a mediocre career and one that is amazing.  If nobody knows you exist, they cannot do business with your firm.

This means that you must know and comprehend an understanding of marketing in addition to your experitse in your field of the law.   

If you had a major case or a big deal pending and you were aware you were not up-to-date on the latest statutes in a specific area of the law, what would you do?  You would invest the time to do the research and get up to speed before you moved forward.  You would reach out to peers who had the specific expertise you were lacking and enlist their help.  The same should be true with your marketing plan.  If you do not feel you have all the wisdom you should, then why would you ignore the wholes?

If you have read this far in "The ABC's of Legal Marketing" you are already showing your commitment to gaining knowledge and wisdom.  As we wrap up this series, do not stop here.  Make marketing a priority and you will see the results.  

Have A Great Day

thom singer

Thom Singer is experienced in legal marketing and business development.  He regularly speaks at law firm retreats inspiring attorneys to embrace their brand and increase their sales.  He also teaches lawyers ways to improve their presentation skills as the firm's secret weapon for business development success.  More information at

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