
Tuesday, March 04, 2014

The ABC's of Legal Marketing - T is for Tenacity

Lawyers are tenacious when it comes to their work. The definitions of tenacity include; holding fast, highly retentive, and persistent. When trying a case or pouring over documents attorneys have high level of commitment to doing whatever it takes to complete the task.  However, when it comes to marketing, branding, networking and business development many are not focused and give up easily when they do not see immediate results.

To build a successful practice you must be committed to the long term efforts it takes to raise your visibility in your business community.  People do business with those they know, like, and trust... but if you are not participating with the key people who can hire you or refer business, then they are working with other lawyers.  

To be tenacious in your marketing efforts you must understand and honor the importance these activities have to your future success.  If you continue to believe "doing good work" is enough to build a practice then you will find yourself frustrated with the ups and downs of your career, as when you get busy you will forgo the marketing work (while justifying your time spent on billable activities).  The most successful lawyers realize that there is more to business than billable hours.

Create a plan and identify the activities that will impact to your success, and then do not let anything get in your way.  Developing new business is complicated. Many people think networking is just going to "after-hours" events, drinking some beers and waiting for the referrals to role in.  Others think marketing is about website and logo design.  This is why so many lawyers give up on the whole process. When they do not see fast results they trash the whole concept.

To experience marketing success means that you have to be tenacious. Many people you meet can be great connections for you, however it takes a long time to build meaningful relationships. Stick with it. You cannot reach the top by quitting half way up the mountain!

Be tenacious.

Have A Great Day

thom singer

Thom Singer is experienced in legal marketing and business development.  He regularly speaks at law firm retreats inspiring attorneys to embrace their brand and increase their sales.  He also teaches lawyers ways to improve their presentation skills as the firm's secret weapon for business development success.  More information at

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1 comment:

  1. I have just read this beautiful article written by Thom Singer. I agree with many of the expressed contents here. Sometimes a legal career may be quite hard and difficult. Consequently, it's important to follow the best strategies in order to obtain the most impressive and effective results.

    Particularly, I really enjoy the concept of Tenacity exposed by Mr. Singer.

    Regina Morales @ Sonic Response
