
Friday, February 28, 2014

Cool Things My Friends Do: Michael O'Neal - The Solopreneur Hour

Each Friday on this blog I enjoy highlighting some of the cool things my friends do in their personal and professional lives.

On airplanes I listen to podcasts.  Since I am on airplanes often (nearly 40 trips last year), I take part of each trip and listen and learn from some very interesting people.  Late last year I stumbled upon The Solopreneur Hour Podcast, hosted by Michael O'Neal.  

While I have never met Michael in person (he may come to Austin for SXSW next week, and thus we will hang out at some point), after about 30+ episodes of The Solopreneur Hour, I have come to think of Michael as a virtual friend.  We have exchanged emails, and I have begun to participate in his SoloLab coaching group.  He has a genuine conversational style with his co-hosts each week, and since I am coming up on five years as a "Solopreneur" he discusses topics I care about (I am living on a daily basis).

Michael's tag line for his podcast is "Job Security for the Unemployable" and he has both smart ideas and an is an enthusiastic cheer leader for those who are following the sometimes lonely path of self-careering.  He has created a fast growing brand, and is making a difference for those around him.  I have not done much in the internet marketing arena, but I am becoming better educated about online brand promotion from Michael and his guest hosts.

His personal story is interesting, and he openly talks about the ups and downs of his personal and professional life.  After a series of changes that impacted all aspects of his life, he re-started four years ago.  From his home in San Diego he has started something that is worth watching for the future.  With so many people fed up with the corporate game, being a solopreneur is a real option.  

I am looking forward to seeing Michael and his podcast grow like crazy (maybe someday he will interview me!!!). Log onto the iTunes store and search for Solopreneur Hour... you will be glad you did.  I am happy to have him as week #95 of "Cool Things My Friends Do".

Have A Great Day

thom singer

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