
Friday, February 07, 2014

Cool Things My Friends Do - Bill Leake Launches "The Right Arm"

Each Friday on this blog I enjoy highlighting some of the cool things my friends do in their personal and professional lives.

As of this week, the hottest KickStarter Campaign in Austin is for "The Right Arm".  This great idea is the brainchild of my friend Bill Leake (and  his business partner Eric Senn).  In just a few days they have raised $38,689 on a goal of $40,000 (I backed them, too).  Pretty cool.

You gotta check this out.....

What is "The Right Arm"?  It is the ultimate ergonomic extension device for iPads, laptops, tablets, mobile phones, and even books and cameras.  A hands-free device that puts your electronics where you want them, and can even make your regular surface a stand-up desk!  It is a c-clap at the bottom, a movable arm, and some high-tech sticky stuff.

If you have grown tired of holding your tablet in bed, need hands-free recipe locations for cooking (or other projects), or are sick of hunching over your laptop at your desk, then this product is the answer you have been seeking. 

I am thrilled to see Bill and his team launch this new product.  It is getting a lot of buzz.  You may choose to support the KickStarter Campaign and get your own "Right Arm".

Have A Great Day

thom singer

1 comment:

  1. Thom: Thanks for the kind words (and for backing the campaign!).

    Once the KS has concluded, am planning on using the techniques we've honed making scads of other people provable milliions at Apogee Results, to do at least some of the same magic for this product!

    It's been an honor and pleasure to count you as a friend for over a decade now -- Bill
