
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Collaboration in Associations

When an association partners with other groups who serve the same communities, everyone wins.  While we all want our groups to be successful, always viewing other industry membership organizations as competition can undermine the greater good.  Working together can spur innovation and ideas.  More people are served when the team approach is embraced.

One example of groups working together will happen this April in Atlanta with a gathering of those who work in and around the Meetings Industry for Eventeract 2014.  I learned about this event when I was in Georgia to speak for the Georgia Chapter of MPI (Meeting Professionals International).  There is a lot of working going on to ensure that Eventeract will have a huge impact.  The local chapters of several organizations that support events and meetings (MPI, PCMA, NSA, ISES, GSAE, and many others) are combining their efforts to create this first time event.  

Another example is how the National Tour Association and the United Motorcoach Association co-mingled their annual conferences to form Travel Exchange.  The two groups share space, meals, speakers and social activities, while still having some exclusive content for their members.  This is brilliant.  I spoke at this event in 2013 and was blown away by what a great idea it is for associations to co-locate conferences.

The key is collaboration, and this can work for companies and government agencies as well as associations.  When a single organization tries to do everything, they limit their success .  But by combining smart people and clearing the way for them to work together on a cause that matters, the sky is the limit.  

Have A Great Day

thom singer

PS - If you are in the meetings or association world and live in or around Atlanta.... save the date for Eventeract 2014 (April 23-24, 2014).

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