
Friday, November 15, 2013

Cool Things My Friends Do: Lani Rosales - REAL

Each Friday on this blog I enjoy highlighting some of the cool things my friends do in their personal and professional lives.

My friend Lani Rosales has just released her first book; "REAL: A Path to Passion, Purpose and Profits in Real Estate".  Lani and her co-authors describe the book as "Not your ordinary book on Real Estate - It's a book about Life, People, Health, Rejuvenation and Habits".  In addition to being an expert on the real estate topic, she is also a keen observer of life and quite witty..... thus I imagine this book will be a must have for everyone in the real estate industry.

Many Real Estate books fall short (well, the same is true for books on many topics!). REAL goes beyond mere tactics and strategies to focus on the core of what really matters - You. They have featured stories from Real Estate's Thought Leaders including Marc Davison, Spencer Rascoff, Sherry Chris, Krisstina Wise and many more. If building a real estate business that lasts is important to you - this is a book to buy, read, and implement.

I know Lani (and her husband Ben) from being involved in and around the Austin business entrepreneurial community.  They are cool people who contribute to interesting conversations and help connect people.  Together they started "The BASHH" (Big Ass Social Happy Hour), a monthly gathering in Austin, Texas that brings together those who may only know each other online and gets them into the same room to network.  I am happy they are my friends, and I can honestly say I wish I hung around them more often.

She also gave one of the best Ignite Austin talks several years ago titled "The Etymology of Curse Words".  It is worth popping over to YouTube to watch the very clever 4.5 minutes. It is funny! (I miss Ignite Austin.... it only happened a few times... but was always a cool event).

Congrats to Lani Rosales on her new book.  Very cool stuff.

Have A Great Day

thom singer

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