
Friday, November 22, 2013

Cool Things My Friends Do - Kate's School Play

Each Friday on this blog I enjoy highlighting some of the cool things my friends do in their personal and professional lives.

Once again today's "Cool Things" post features one of my kids.  It is always cool to see your children push themselves into new experiences.... and thrive.

It was fun to watch my youngest daughter in her first school play.  Kate is very excited about her theater class and in her first middle school production she landed one of the larger roles (as a 6th grader). It was cool to see her embrace this opportunity and to see her shine on stage. 

She had rehearsals after school for most of the fall semester and never complained about the long hours, later bus ride home (her school has a "late bus" for those who have activities- but it makes for a long day), and then having to get her work done.  She always beamed her big smile when she talked about the play and enjoyed all parts of being in the play.

I was in the audience and was a very proud dad.  She was great.  I found it extra cool to watch this, as I was in theater in junior high and high school.  My own experiences in drama classes were very positive.  While I never became an actor (a childhood dream that I did not pursue), I do use the stagecraft skills I learned in my career as a professional speaker and corporate trainer.  I am confident that Kate's experiences in this time of her life will have positive impacts on her life no matter what career paths she chooses.

Have A Great Day

thom singer

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