
Friday, September 06, 2013

Scott Robinson - A Friend to Many

In place of my weekly "Cool Things My Friends Do" blog post, this week I am remembering a friend who passed away unexpectedly.

The Austin community was shocked and saddened this week by the unexpected death of Scott Robinson.  He was 41 years old.  This father of two young children (he leaves behind a son and a daughter, twins, age 8) was a tireless supporter of the Austin Entrepreneurial Community.  

It was nearly  two and a half years ago when I first met Scott.  You could not miss him at a networking event, as he had to be 6'4 (maybe taller), and was always very well dressed.  Scott took a sincere interest in others that instantly made people feel as if they were his long lost friend.  Every time I would see Scott he would have an idea of somebody I should meet.  He was all about helping others discover the connections that could lead to mutually beneficial success.  And he was not just an idea guy, he was a doer.... as he always followed up with an email making the introductions between people.

I would run into Scott regularly around town about once a week, and we were part of an occasional business networking group that met for lunch semi-regularly.  He was always excited about a project he was working on (TEDxAustin Youth, StartUp America, RISE Austin, or helping promote The Wire) to help make Austin a better place.  His smile was contagious, and he always was supportive of the causes of those around him.

The folks at Silicon Hills News wrote a wonderful tribute to the memory of Scott Robinson (link to article  Take a minute to read what they said, but also view the comments section, as so many people added their thoughts about this man who was a real "giver".  

Scott Robinson was one of the good guys.  He will be missed.

To honor Scott there is a scholarship set up for his children ("The James Scott Robinson Memorial Fund" through Wells Fargo Bank). 

 In addition to making a donation, I suggest those who knew him (and others) should deliberately seek out a way to help another person find success.  Make an introduction between two people, or sit down with someone to help them brainstorm their next project.  When you do that, think of Scott.... I bet he would like knowing that he inspired us all to lend a hand and be better "givers".

Have A Great Day

thom singer

1 comment:

  1. He's how I met you! Very nice tribute. -Charity
