
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

New Keynote Presentation for Law Firms (and other professional service firm's internal meetings): The ABC's of Entrepreneurs Inside The Firm

The lawyer who thinks about business development, and takes actions, will have more success.  
"If you make your business development efforts a second tier priority, you will have second tier results!"  -thom singer
I am excited about speaking at more law firm retreats.  It is one of the favorite parts of my business, and for a few years these firms have not been as active in holding strategic planning meetings or hiring outside presenters.  But that has changed, as the most progressive law firms are getting very engaged with upping their competitive advantages in regards to their business development efforts.

Challenging lawyers to think like entrepreneurs is fun.  "The ABC's of Entrepreneurs Inside The Firm" is a fun topic for me and thought provoking for these audiences of left-brained professionals.  And they get excited by the message. 

To coincide with the release of my new book, "The ABC's of Entrepreneurs" (due out in October), I am working on this new keynote for law firm retreats (Partner retreats, associate retreats and all-hands meetings, etc...).

If your firm is planning a 2013 "end of year" meeting or a 2014 "kick-off", this program will educate, inspire and intrigue your team.  

Have A Great Day

thom singer

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