
Monday, September 09, 2013

Cal Worthington and His Dog Spot

In the late 60s and early 70s every kid in Southern California (and beyond) new knew Cal Worthington.  Cal owned a car dealership in the Los Angeles area and dominated the TV Commercials with this quirky ads.  

Cal always had his "Dog Spot" at his side, but it was never a dog, instead an exotic animal that he would lead in or ride across his car lot (The dog not being a dog thing made a lasting impression).

He died this week at age 92. While I never met the guy, when I heard the news of his passing the jingle "Go See Cal, Go See Cal, Go See Cal" flashed through my mind with the image of him riding an elephant.  Who says advertising does not work.  The Saturday morning cartoons of my youth were sprinkled with this guy selling Fords and showing off a zoo-ful of his "dogs".

Rest in peace, Mr. Worthington.

Have A Great Day

thom singer

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