
Friday, August 09, 2013

10 Tweets On Association Membership Engagement

Recently I have lead several workshops / facilitated discussions with groups of association leaders on ways to get the members in their chapters more engaged.  When I am the keynote speaker at events I am often asked to also run interactive breakout sessions. I love doing this, as I learn from the attendees about any number of topics.

Sessions at conferences where the participants explore ideas and share their own experiences can be powerful.  As a speaker I have thoughts to share, but there is a unique power in group conversations.  I will always kick off these chats with some generic concepts and then let them go.  Fasten you seat belts, as there is always cool stuff coming!

Below I have taken some of the key points from these recent conversations and turned them into Tweets.  Feel free to use them if they resonate with you.  Tweet away! (no need to give me credit, as with only 140 characters it is more important to share the ideas).

10 Tweets With Ideas For Association Engagement

If you want better member engagement at your meetings, create amazing events that people will talk about when they get home!  

Have a plan to set a positive tone for culture, conversation & connection at association meetings. Do not let culture happen by accident

Keep your association growing by being a place for all generations. Get beyond "we've never done that" or "they need to pay their dues" 

The best organizations have Mentor Programs and Reverse Mentor Programs (older members teach the younger & younger members teach the older)

Never assume you know why members participate in your association.  There are many reasons, find out why people want to join your group.

Don't hide from the "elephants in the room".  If your association or committee has something that bothers members, discuss it. 

Many associations are still not successful at being active on social media before, during and after their events. Keep your people engaged

Membership recruitment does not happen by accident.  Seek out the types of people you want in your organization and ask them to join.

Create a "Praise Others Program" in your monthly meeting where 2 or 3 people sign up (in advance) to share good news about another member

If your association meetings have cliques and newer members feel excluded, find ways to let them create their own communities.

Always find a way to give your association membership MORE than they expect at every meeting and in every communication.

Have A Great Day

thom singer

*Yes, I know there are 11 Tweets... re-read the last one ;-)

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