
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Feeling Busier Than Ever


I do not remember life being this busy in the past.  It seems that I am never fully caught up and there is always some new deadline looming in my personal or professional life.  

Maybe it is the age of my kids (teens and pre-teens bring with them many activities), or perhaps middle age cumulatively brings more responsibility?  

It could be that I run my own business.  Being a solo-entrepreneur means that I have to do it all, and a business is similar to a living being that always needs to be nurtured, fed, and sheltered.

My belief on this constant bombardment of "stuff" has to do with the advances in technology and digital communication that have taken over our society in the last few years.  All of the social media and mobile tools were supposed to make our lives easier (and in many ways it has), yet it also makes it more complicated.

This is not an anti-technology rant.  Just an observation.  I could make the choice to walk away from the iPhone, tablet, and laptop.... but I enjoy the information that these devices bring to my finger tips.  

An option could be to let some of my ideas to grow the business go to the back burner, but the family has needs to fund things like housing, food, fun and college educations.  

I do not need to write my blog or be working on my 10th book, yet as a writer I love to write... so this is not one of the things that seem to overwhelm my day (in fact, this blog is one of the biggest joys in my business life - writing brings me to a peaceful place).  

Some people are great about stepping away from the constant stream of "stuff" that is engulfing our lives.  I am not one of them.  I cannot live my life in silos.  I am still a husband and father when I am speaking to a convention (those who have seen me present know my family and friends are often part of the stories that punctuate the ideas I share).  On the flip side, I am an entrepreneur and business owner at home.  My wife, children and friends are all part of the business (whether they like it or not).  Who I am and what I do are mashed together.  But this means there is not much down-time.

How about you?  Are you regularly feeling one step behind with the pressure to get "stuff" accomplished?  Have you found a way to deal with our busy, busy crazy world?  Is there anything on the horizon that will change this direction or are we destined to live this way forever?

Have A Great Day.

thom singer


  1. On the issue of balance, I no longer pursue the metaphorical scale being in perfect balance as I believe that life is more about placing ourselves where we are needed most at the time. Keith Lewis told me about running his business and having an active family life - "Live in the moment".

  2. I do not remember life being this busy in the past. It seems that I am never fully caught up and there is always some new deadline looming in my personal or professional life.
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