
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Law Firm Retreat Speaker

Do lawyers need to network?

Only if they want to have clients.

Too often I meet attorneys who wish they could just practice law, do a great job, and have clients lined up.  While this is a nice fantasy, the reality is that law is a service business, and that means that success is linked to relationships and personal brand.  

Many lawyers do good work, but without a focused business development effort and a healthy respect for what it means to cultivate a real network... too many are consistently worried about their future because they do not invest in their business relationships.

Over the past year I have seen a resurgence in law firms that are investing in training and coaching their partners AND associates on the necessary skills to ensure future business.

Is you firm hosting a partner retreat or an all-hands meeting?  Is the idea of getting your lawyers more engaged in the business community something that sound in sync with your firm's long-term goals?  Then let's talk about how the right law firm retreat speaker can ignite ongoing conversations that will change the way many of your team will approach this important topic going forward.

Call me today.  (512) 970-0398  thom (at)

Have A Great Day

thom singer

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