
Friday, March 15, 2013

Cool Things My Friends Do: Paul Vorreiter of Reflective Spark Designs GREAT PowerPoint (and more!)

Each Friday on this blog I enjoy highlighting some of the cool things my friends do in their work and personal lives. 

I recently met Paul Vorreiter of Reflective Spark through a recommendation from a friend in the National Speakers Association.  I was seeking a designer to help recreate the look and feel of the PowerPoint, and Gerry O'Brion raved about Paul and his work.

My slides were okay, but I was using a basic PPT template.  While it had been custom designed five years ago, the "coolness factor" in what other speakers were using now was clearly light years ahead of my visuals.

Paul was wonderful to work with on this project.  He is a designer, who understands storytelling and how the images on the slide can help the flow of a speakers presentation.  He was affordable (but not cheap), and he made me feel like my small project was important to him.  He lives in Denver, and we conducted the entire transaction over email and telephone.

The following week I was speaking in Colorado and he came by to visit with me.  While he did not get to see my presentation, he did make the time to meet me for coffee.  We discussed his passion for good design (he loves great design the way I love great presentations!).  We quickly became good friends.

His ability to assess my overall brand (which also needs work) and capture what I had always dreamed and desired from PowerPoint was amazing.  The end product was spot on.

Following my 2nd talk using the new deck the following tweet appeared on Twitter from one of the people in the audience:
"What a great use of PowerPoint slides. Great flow with your presentation.”

It got my attention, because I had not had such compliments made in the past!  Kudos to Paul for his contribution to helping me improve my presentations.

If you are in need of a designer who understands what your presentation needs to keep the focus on the speaker, and create a meaningful flow of the visuals... contact Paul Vorreiter today!

Have A Great Day.

thom singer


  1. Thanks for the recommendation, friend! Can't wait to work together again. Here's my latest blog post on telling Business Stories.
