
Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Downton Abbey School of Business

There were three lessons for entrepreneurs in embedded into season three of the popular PBS show Downton Abbey:

1.  Times they are changing.  Lord Grantham learned this the hard way.  As much as he wanted to cling to the past successes, he came to realize that one cannot live in history.  You have to be looking ahead all the time or you could lose it all.

2.  Anyone can pull themselves up.  Tom Branson's move from chauffer to member of the family was about more than his marrying Lady Sybil.  He had to be willing to look, listen and learn to earn his real place at the table.  His humble upbringings could not hold him back, nor would the death of his wife.  My guess is in season four he will grow even more into a leading place in the family business (never underestimate an Irishman!).

3.  Just when you think you have it all, a truck comes around the bend.  Matthew was not paying attention as he sped along, thinking he had it all figured out.  There is always something out there that can mess up your day, and looking at the clouds only takes your eyes off the road.  Plus the seatbelt had yet to be invented.

Season three was plagued with hardship for those upstairs and downstairs at Downton Abbey.  My guess is there will be more of the same next year.  But they will be back and pushing forward, just like entrepreneurs do everyday.

Have A Great Day.

thom singer   

1 comment:

  1. I'm also going to add something my mother would have added: It doesn't cost a penny to be gracious to others. No matter what their station in life.

    ..and not something I learned: Just when you think someone is a complete idiot, they may something so wise, it'll knock you off your chair.
