
Saturday, February 16, 2013

ProductCamp Austin - A Great Event

ProductCamp Austin celebrated their tenth event in five years (they host this informative and motivational networking event twice a year: winter & summer) this week with a large sell out crowd of over 600 people. The AT&T Conference Center was again the perfect venue for this high energy event.

It is a wonderful community gathering that is a true "Un-Conference".   Speakers sign up to speak, and the audience votes that morning on which topics are of the highest interest. This year they had a record number of proposed talks.  Once the votes are cast the participants and speakers are given the schedule.  Throughout the day sessions cover Product Development, Go To Market Strategies, Product Strategy, Product Management/Marketing Careers, and Marketing Execution.

I had the honor to present a session called "Giving Better Presentations at ProductCamp (and Beyond)".  It was a fun experience as the audience seemed to resonate with some of my advice.  It is more and more common for professionals to have opportunities to deliver presentations (at work or at a conference), and yet few people have had much training since their 8th Grade Book Reports. I loved the conversation with the group, as the topic clearly resonated.  Maybe some of those who were in my session will submit proposals for the next ProductCamp!!!

The rest of the day I was able to attend other sessions and visit with old and new friends.  If you have never been to ProductCamp Austin then you should mark your calendar for July 20, 2013.  Jump right in and propose a session, or come as a participant. Eithe way, be ready to "Teach, Learn and Network".

***Rumor has it that if 60% of those in attendance in July are repeat "Campers", then ProductCamp Austin president, Mike Boudreaux, will shave his head (that is a rumor that I am helping to start!).

Gaining access to new ideas is the key to those who want to expand their horizons.  Last week I spent Saturday at TEDxAustin, and this week I was at ProductCamp.  With all these ideas, information, concepts, theories and motivation in my brain... I need to get to work and make things happen.  Watch out 2013!!!

Have A Great Day.

thom singer


  1. Are your slides available on the web?


  2. There was no PPT. It was a story based presentation.
