
Friday, March 01, 2013

Cool Things My Friends Do - Joshua Baer Named Entrepreneurs Foundation's "Community Leader of the Year"

Each Friday on this blog I enjoy highlighting some of the cool things my friends do in their work and personal lives. 

Each year the Entrepreneurs Foundation of Central Texas honors someone in Austin as the "Community Leader of the Year".  This year's award went to my friend Joshua Baer. 

I attended the party to celebrated EF and their award winners, and it was a great gathering of the Austin Start-Up Community.  (A highlight of the night was talking to the delightful Amy Baer, Josh's wife...and clearly his better half!).

Josh is the co-founder of The Capital Factory, and a serial entrepreneur who is committed to helping others. Since arriving in Austin in 1999 he has been an active part of the local entrepreneurial eco-system.  

What impresses me about Josh is that he is always willing to meet and chat with any entrepreneur or wanna-be entrepreneur.  He never says "no" when it comes to helping those who are pulled toward starting or growing a business.

Congratulations to Joshua Baer on being named the Community Leader of the Year.  Well done and well deserved.

Have A Great Day.

thom singer

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