
Friday, January 11, 2013

Cool Things My Friends Do - Monique Maley and Marny Lifshen Host Women's Leadership Seminar Series

Each Friday on this blog I enjoy highlighting some of the cool things my friends do in their work and personal lives. 

My friends Marny Lifshen and Monique Maley are hosting a seminar series for women leaders in Austin.  "WOMEN Front & Center: Define your brand. Refine your presence. Expand your network" will run for three Tuesdays in January, February and March.

Join a select group of successful professional women who are committed to enhancing their personal brand, creating a confident and persuasive personal presence and improving their professional relationships. This unique experience gives you the opportunity to grow your knowledge, your skills and your network.

This three workshop series provides hands on, strategic and practical professional development in an intimate setting. The content and exercises are designed specifically for experienced professionals who are looking to make a marketable and measurable impact on their careers.

Marny and Monique are both active with the local chapter of the National Speakers Association, and each have a unique skill sets that will together make the seminar series a learning experience for all who participate.

Session One: Tuesday January 29th
Define Yourself! Crafting a Powerful Personal Brand

Session Two: Tuesday February 26th
Embody your Personal Brand: Personal Presence for Maximum Persuasion

Session Three: Tuesday March 26th
Get your Act Together and Take It on the Road: Articulate your Message & Build a Vibrant Professional Network

The cost for all three days is $499

Register or find more information at

Have A Great Day

thom singer

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