
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The 12 Days of Conference - Day Eight

As we prepare for 2013 I am hosting a series of blog posts called "The 12 Days of Conference".  Each day a different expert from the meeting, convention planning, speaking and hotel industries will add their single best idea on how to create better events or other tips for how to improve the "Conference Attendee Experience" in the new year.

Creating Meaningful Events
By Cindy Lo

An event’s success depends on a number of factors - great partners; a one-of-a-kind location; excited guests; and a dedicated event planning professional are all essential to making sure the production runs smoothly.

But the events that stick in people’s minds aren’t necessarily the biggest, or the splashiest, or the most outrageous events. They are the events that were the most meaningful. So, in a world where being over-the-top is often confused for being the best, how do you go about planning a meaningful event? It’s simple: you get creative.

The best part about being creative is that it doesn’t necessarily mean being expensive. You can have a very creative and meaningful event on any budget. Here’s how:
·         Be Thoughtful. Take time to think about what will make the event stand out, what the client’s goals are, and how it will all come together for the guests. Don’t ever rely on a cookie-cutter approach; every event is different and needs to be approached thusly. And make sure you focus on both the big picture and the little details.
·         Look For What’s New. Some tried-and-true event touches will never get old, but you don’t want to feature something that your guests saw at pretty much every party – five years ago. Keep in mind what’s new and what’s exciting, and tailor that to fit your client’s needs and wishes.
·         Consider Your Audience. Not every tactic will work for every audience. For example, an event for an older crowd shouldn't rely too heavily on social media. Keep your guests’ needs in mind as well as your client’s desires. You want everyone to be delighted by the time everyone goes home.
·         Hire an Event Planning Professional. When you hire an event planning professional or a DMC, you’re hiring someone with years of experience in the industry – someone who knows how to work within your budget to put together a memorable, creative event that will sparkle in your guests’ memories for a long time!
Again, it doesn't take an unlimited budget to get creative (it definitely helps but it’s not required) to plan a meaningful event. It does take time, knowledge, and experience. For more details on how to make an event a wonderful and meaningful experience for all involved, call Red Velvet Events today!

Cindy Lo, owner of Red Velvet Events, loves to strategize and challenge her team to out do their own production year after year. On any given day, you can find Cindy buried in an Excel spreadsheet; traveling the world to get new design ideas; and reading every article she can get her hands as she's always looking for inspiration.

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