
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Zig Ziglar 1926 - 2012

I heard online this morning that legendary speaker and author Zig Ziglar has passed away.  It would be difficult to be in the speaking business and not have been inspired by Mr. Ziglar.  I first saw him present in the early 1990s, and the way he touched the audience at the level of their soul was impressive.  It was the great orators like this man that made me want to be a speaker.

I had only met him once, and I am not one who feels worthy of writing a long honorarium about his life, career, etc...  I just did not feel that you can be active in any industry and not take pause when one of the legends passes away.

I take this moment on my blog to tip my hat (if I was wearing a hat) to Zig Ziglar.  Thank you for the information you shared in your books, tapes and live presentations.  And more importantly, thank you for helping shape the speaking industry.

My thoughts and prayers are with his family.

thom singer

*Photo linked from Mr. Ziglar's Facebook page.

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