
Friday, November 16, 2012

Cool Things My Friends Do: Bryan Menell Named CEO of SubtleData

Each Friday on this blog I enjoy highlighting some of the cool things my friends do in their work and personal lives. 

Bryan Menell has recently taken the reigns as CEO of a new software company in Austin, Texas.  SubtleData was officially launched in August 2011, but has recently come out of the gate with a "bang", garnering a lot of attention in tech funding circles taking the top spot on AngelList for several days.  It's Point of Sales app platform already has over 200 companies building upon its architecture, and I am sure the company will continue to have great results with Bryan in the chief executive officer role.

I have known Bryan since 1978.  Yes, we were 12 years old.  We attended Jr. High and High School together in California.  And while we had over 800 students in our graduating class, we ran in the same circle of friends. Coincidentally we both landed in Austin, Texas in the 1990s, and have remained friends for most of our lives.  In today's transient world (especially before Facebook) it is not always common to have regular contact with childhood friends.

Bryan was always an achiever, and his career has been a testament to the entrepreneurial spirit.  He has founded several companies, including taking Perficient, Inc public in 1999.  He has a natural ability to seek ways of creating and growing new businesses in the fast paced technology world.  He sees opportunity and takes action.

Along with his wife, Angie, he founded the "Austin Tech Happy Hour" five years ago, and is a catalyst that brings people together in the local tech community.  The monthly gathering of those who work in and around the technology community has been a top networking event for over five years (and is still going strong).

Congratulations to Bryan on his new company.  I predict big things from SublteData in the next few years!

Have A Great Day.

thom singer

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the feature!

    One of my favorite exchanges with someone.

    Me: "Thom is one of my oldest friends."
    Person: "How old is he?"
    Me: "Same age as me. Why? What? Oh."
