
Friday, October 26, 2012

Cool Things My Friends Do - Tim Tyrell-Smith's Job Search Software

Each Friday on this blog I enjoy highlighting some of the cool things my friends do in their work and personal lives. 

My friend Tim Tyrell-Smith just launched something that he’s been working on for about five years.  Well, that’s a long time, so I figure Tim deserves a spot here in this week’s “cool things my friends do” post.

Tim’s a 25-year marketing guy who quit a full time VP Marketing job to become an entrepreneur. And to dedicate a larger portion of his life to helping people do great things. 

Tim and I met at San Diego State University back in the late 80’s .  We were in "rival" fraternities... but really everyone was friendly. Tim is a Sigma Chi and I am a Beta -- not that any of that stuff matters 20 years later!  ;-).  I had lost touch with Tim for many years, but we reconnected via social media and have become great friends again.

Over the last five years, Tim’s been working hard to create helpful content for a community of professionals going through job search transition. It’s been a passion project for him to reach this community with structured and strategic guidance. And to watch their positive progress toward a new job.

During these five years, a complete strategy was born. From each blog post, template, speech and video he created, the puzzle pieces came together. And about two years ago, he decided to formalize the strategy and make it available as an online software program.

So that’s what Tim just launched – his job search strategy software.

The software offers a structured, step-by-step process to establish a job search strategy. As one user said, “It’s like tax software for your job search”. A complex and often misunderstood process is broken down into smaller, “easier to chew” pieces. And there is significant help (including video) at every step.  Specifically, the software delivers the following:

  • Identification of clear and specific job search objectives (plus help with target companies)
  • A personal branding strategy and profile
  • A complete set of personal marketing materials (resume, cover letter, bio, business card, elevator pitch, references)
  • A customized networking strategy including targeted introductions
  • A purposeful strategy for interview preparation

And since I told Tim I might write about his new software, he said: “Make sure they know about the early bird special we’re running through December 31.  It offers a big reduction in the sign up fee for anyone who will offer feedback during the beta period.” If you are interested or have any questions, you can contact Tim via his blog. Tell him Thom Singer sent you!

And so there you have it. If you are out of work and need new structure and a strategy for your job search, you should visit to learn more.  You can also find him on Twitter (@TimsStrategy) and on Facebook (TimsStrategy).

Have A Great Day

thom singer

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