
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

"The ABC's of Networking" Now Available in India

A publishing house in India optioned the rights to my book, "The ABC's of Networking" and has recently released the book in both English and Hindi.

This is exciting.  India is the 2nd largest population in the world, and the message of creating business connections that embrace long-term and mutually beneficial relationships is always well received by people I meet who come from any area of the world.  The message of "Connecting With People in a Social Media Crazy World" knows no boarders where generous people are involved!!

I am also exploring speaking opportunities for a seminar tour in India, although this is currently just an "idea" that has been brought to my attention.  There are no plans yet... but I am open to the conversations.  There would be many things that needed to line up, but it is interesting to think about it.

Special "Thanks" to Dave at New Year Publishing for always pushing to try new things.  His open-minded spirit has circumnavigated roadblocks and he understands the give and take of partnering.  This international book deal is just one example. It took a few tries over several years, but his long-term vision helped make it happen (and it is kinda cool -okay, not "kinda"... it is cool!!!).   He is a good friend and business partner!!! ;-)

Have A Great Day.

thom singer

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